Jacobin (Black and White) Cuckoo
Clamator (Oxylophus) jacobinus
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The Jacobin or black-and-white cuckoo has a prominent crest and long tapered tail. The upper immature was seen in Mkomazi NP (1-22), courtesy of Kim Axmann; the 2nd row adult was seen in Ruaha (2-13), courtesy of Stuart Webb. The 3rd and left 4th row juveniles were seen in Ndutu (1-14), courtesy of Siegfried Woldhek) and Engikaret (4-12); note the brown back color and the light streaking and buff color on the neck and breast. The other photos were taken in Arusha NP, Serengeti, Ngutukoiti, Asogati Plain, Engikaret and Shambarai. Click the left lower photo to see 9 enlargements.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Rick Carlson, Karine Van der Vurst, Mike Graham, Siegfried Woldhek
Stuart Webb, Kim Axmann, Frank Priscus Shirima

Last Update this page: 1-05-25