Red-billed Firefinch
Lagonosticta senegala
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The identifying feature of the male red-billed firefinch is the partially red bill. Jameson's and African firefinches have black bills. The upper photo of a juvenile was taken at Machame, courtesy of Bob Kasworm. The 2nd row mating pair (Usa River) is courtesy of Christie Reeves. The 3rd row firefinch feeding a juvenile village indigobird which parasitizes the firefinch (Ngaramtoni) is courtesy of Hanna Nyman. The 4th row female and juvenile were at TGT-Arusha. The 5th row pair was seen in Usa River; the 6th row, in Kisongo and the 7th row, Arusha, both courtesy of Paul Oliver. The lower photo was taken at Ushongo (4-06); click it to see 32 enlargements including a nest, juveniles, immatures and sub-adults.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Rick Carlson, Karine Van der Vurst, Bob Kasworm, Îsçôh Tz
Paul Oliver, Hanna Nyman, Christie Reeves

Last Update this page: 12-02-23