Green-backed Camaroptera
Camaroptera brachyura
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The green-backed camaroptera may be a sub-species of the grey-backed camaroptera. The upper photo is courtesy of Louis A. Hansen who comments: 'adult, sexes alike, subspecies uncertain, Udzungwa Mts, July 2007'. The 2nd row photo, taken in the high altitude forest of Mahale NP, is courtesy of David C. Moyer; 3rd row (Malawi, 11-12), courtesy Francesco Veronesi; 4th row, at Kahama (7-06), courtesy of Per Holmen; the 5th row immature (location unrecorded), courtesy of Martin Grimm; the 6th row, at Mbuyuni Farm near Morogoro, courtesy of Kim Axmann and the bottom, Queen Elisabeth NP-Uganda, courtesy of Karine van der Vurst.

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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
David Moyer, Dr. Louis A. Hansen, Per Holmen, Francesco Veronesi,
Martin Grimm, Kim Axmann, Karine van der Vurst

Last Update this page: 10-31-23