Magpie Shrike
Urolestes (Corvinella) melanoleuca
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Regarding the upper photos: two magpie shrikes were sitting in the bush when two more flew in; the first two began to display while the others sat passively. The display was brief and all four then flew off (Tarangire, 1-97). The 2nd row photo was taken in Tarangire (3-15), courtesy of Stuart Webb; the 3rd row flight photo (Serengeti, 2-17), courtesy of Paul Oliver. The left 5th row bird was seen in Ruaha (7-02). The bird sitting on a nest in a small acacia tree was at Pofu campsite in the Serengeti (6-11). The other photos were taken in Tarangire. Click the photo above to see 21 enlargements including immatures and juveniles.

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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Mary Caisley, Stuart Webb, Paul Oliver, Karine Van der Vurst, Per Holmen

Last Update this page: 3-30-22