Variable Sunbird
Cinnyris (Nectarinia) venustus
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Several of these photos of male variable sunbirds show the orange pectoral tufts which are often not seen. The upper male (Maji ya Chai, 7-20) is courtesy of Christie Reeves. The left 3rd row male (Bukoba, 1-23) is courtesy of Paul Edwards; the left 4th row (Sakina, 1-17), courtesy of Paul Oliver; the left7th row, (Udzungwa Mountains, 7-07), courtesy of Dr. Louis A Hansen. The other photos were taken in Marangu, Morogoro, Ilboru, Mwiba and Natano. Click photo above to see 25 enlargements.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Louis Hansen, Valéry Schollaert, Zul Bhatia, Kim Axmann, Paul Edwards
Karine Van der Vurst, Christie Reeves, Paul Oliver

Last Update this page: 2-03-24