Fischer's Turaco
Tauraco fischeri
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The flight poto is courtesy of Birdwatching Zanzibar. The 2nd row photos of Fischer's turaco were taken from the grounds of the Marangu Hotel near the Marangu gate to Kilimanjaro NP (12-06); previously thought to be restricted to coastal lowland forest, this bird may represent a remnant population from a pre-deforestation time. The left 3rd row bird was seen in the East Usambaras (6-16), courtesy of Melissa Eager; the other photos (AmaniFR) are courtesy of Per Holmen.

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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Melissa Eager, Per Holmen, Andrew Majembe

Last Update this page: 2-03-24