White (White-crested) Helmet-shrike
Prionops plumatus
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Common and widespread, the white helmet-shrike is found in open woodland and bushed country. The flight photo (Ruaha, 7-20) is courtesy of Trude Peterson. The 2nd row and right bottom photo (Mikumi, Same) are courtesy of Per Holmen. The other photos were taken in Mkomazi NP, Katavi NP, Suledo FR, Olasiti and Yaida Valley. Click the left lower photo to see 15 enlargements including nests, a juvenile and an immature.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Valéry Schollaert, Anabel Harries, Per Holmen, Tupilike Mwakajumba
Claude Melde, Per Holmen, Amos Pampy Hardecker, Melissa Eager

Last Update this page: 5-22-24