The purpose of this website is to share photographs of Tanzanian birds and butterflies. Multiple images of the same species are included in order to show the birds in ways not possible in the standard field guides. The comments on the species pages are personal or brief points of interest. More complete information can be found in the field guides.
All unattributed photos were taken by David Peterson, Trude Peterson, Ingrid Eggert or Ron Eggert.
We encourage everyone to submit photos of Tanzanian birds and butterflies. Photographers are acknowledged adjacent to their photos and on this page. For more information about photo submission, click here.
Photographers whose photos appear on this website (pass your cursor over the names to see related links):
Matt Aeberhard
Dr. Emily Abernathy
Mustafa Adamjee
Abdul Al-Habesha
Ebenezer Allen
Jason Anderson
Ester Anthony
Asilia Africa
Michael Atzeni
Royi Avital
Janush & Kim Axmann
Steve Babbs
Keith Bailey
Christine Baissac
Dr. James Bangsund
Sam Baraso
Ariunbaatar Barkhasbaatar
Robert Barnes
Michael Bassler
Brent Beach
Colin Beale
Mike Beckner
Doug Bell
Phil Bennett
Koromicha Bernard
Zul Bhatia
Alan Binks
Shawn Bizzy Jr.
Martijn Blok
Bo Louis Boner
Miquel Bonet
Hanneke Bouwmeester
Melissa Brand
Jackie Brice-Bennett
Andrew Browning
Steve Brynes
Debra Buford
Theron Bunnell
Nik Burrow
Linda Bushman
David Bygott
Tom Cadogan
Mary Caisley
Rick Carlson
Robert Carr
Eddy Caudron
Thibaut Chansac
Pietro Ciotti
Marcell Claassen
Jenny & Steve Clark
Callan Cohen
Steve Collins
N. J. Cordeiro
Joseph Cosmas
Tim Cozen
John Creedy
Alex D'Ambrosio
Tim Davenport
Daryl Dell
Joost Dijkers
Steve Dolberg
Pamela Donaldson
Gary Douglas
Nani Dowling
Dr. Steve Dunlop
Bernhard Dupont
Melissa Eager
Paul Edwards
Chris Eggert
Keneddy Elly
Jörgen Eriksson
Owen 'Squack' Evans
Tony Evans
Juma Famili
Morris Finkelstein
Stacy Fong
Joshua Fanuel
Donyo Gabriel
Barry Gardiner
Fraser Gear
Aadje Geertsema
Bernd Gerlach
Prashant Ghorpade
Cyrille Giardin
John Gitiri
Martin Goodey
Dr. Ken Goodman
Ives Grau
Wojciech Grelak
Marie-France Grenouillet
Martin Grimm
Luc Grollie
Mike Graham
Miragi Gwau
Ronnie Haar
Jeffrey Hall
Olivier Hamerlynck
Sander Hammer
Dr. Louis A. Hansen
Amos Pampy Hardecker
Anabel & Geoff Harries
Michael Harris
Stratton Hatfield
Jiri Haureljuk
Pam Henline
Dr. George & Karen Hilton
Dr. Maren Hilton
Florence Holmen
Per Holmen
Karoline Hornik
Ulrike Hornik
Derek Hurt
Îsçôh Tz
Gerry Jackson
Zakayo Gabriel Jacob
Judith Jarvis
Dr. Bjarne Jensen
Jasson John
Brad Johnson
Mark Johnson
Johan Jordaan
Paul Joynson-Hicks
Walter Jubber
Kileo Jumah
Greg Kanies
Sadik Kassam
Bob Kasworm
Susan Kelso
Adam Scott Kennedy
Peter King
Ethan Kinsey
Kileo Kipanga
Dorothy Kirkpatrick
Gina Kirkpatrick
Alex Kirschel
Henrik Kisbye
Paul Kivuyo
Macmillan Kiwesa
Dan Klasson
Eli Knapp
Sudheer Kommana
Levi Kone
Mike Kramer
Steve Kraus
Ole Krogh
Marina Kugler
Derek Kverno
Kelly Landrey
James Legg
David Lloyd-Jones
Dan Logen
Graham Long
Nathan Losaru
David Lubbe
Pietro Luraschi
Sean & Kim Lues
Peter MacKenzie
Andrew Majembe
Ameet Mandavia
Jocelyn Mannerings
Riaan Marais
Michael Lund Markussen
David Marsh
Ian Marshall
Cysty Massay
Mladen Mates
Anita Wilms McChesney
Jim McChesney
Jan Martin McGuire
Mary McKay
Doug McLennan
Isaac Kilusu Mandegee
Claude Melde
Katie Merrill
Emmanuel Mgimwa
Emily Carter Mitchell
Alloyce Mkongewa
Tony Mlay
Leons Mlawila
Mohamed Idd Mohamed
Sadi Mohammed
Claudia Mohr
Joseph Morlan
Christopher Moses
David C. Moyer
Colleen Mullen
Tupilike Mwakajumba
Jumanne Myovela
James Nasary
Joe Ndekia
Stein Ø. Nilsen
Tom Nicholls
Donna Novotny
Marek Novotny
Anthony Nyambacha
Hanna Nyman
Michael Oates
Darcy Ogada
Dominic Oldridge
Abby Olemisiko
Paul Oliver
Silas Olofson
Anne Outwater
Miles Paul
Russell Peacey
Tommy Pedersen
Steve Pence
Miguel A. Perez-De-Gregorio
Andy Perkin
Mika Peterson
Mike Peterson
Simon Peterson
Julien Polet
Michael Poulsen
Jackson Praygod
Anne-Christine Procope
Cameron Raffan
Zachary Ray
Paul Reed
Christie Reeves
Alex Rees
Dave Richards
Jefta Riwa
Andy Roberts
Daniel Rosengren
Elsie Rotenberg
Skyler Russell
Dr. Kurt Rusterholz
Leif Rydell
Isihaka Salim Saidi
Nathan Salomon
Markku Salonen
Sitthivet Santikarn
Gian Schachenmann
Ernst Schauerte
Stef Schliek
Chris Schmeling
Kian & Dylan Schmeling
Tamara Farriester Schoch
Valéry Schollaert
Stephan Schramm
Lily Shallom
Pam Shirdi
Frank Priscus Shirima
Eric Simon
Brenden Simonson
Arlene Simonson
Naomi Simonson
Sophie Simonson
Jez Simms
Frank Snykers
Charlie Smith
Dixie Sommers
Elizabeth Spear
Joseph Peter Starlin
Sue Stolberger
Phil Stouffer
Gretchen Stratton
Alex Supady
Mike Taylor
Gabriel Thomas
Tembo Kijani EcoLodge staff
Mark Thornton
Alessandra Toniutti
Antero Topp
Daniel Townsend
Lara Tranter
Paul Turyagumanawe
Wilson Uriho
Jan van den Hombergh
Pauline van der Staaij
Karine Van der Vurst
Paul van Maaren
Martti Vattulainen
Bob Verhoog
Francesco Veronesi
Friedemann Vetter
Munir Virani
Deirdre Vrancken
Stephen Wainer
Lyn Waltenberg
Rob Waltenberg
Marto Wanjohi
Stuart Webb
Shaun Wells
Frank Willems
Larry William
Karen Wilson
Will Wilson
Steve Windels
Siegfried Woldhek
Gerrit Wyma
James Wolstencroft
Annette Wood
John & Jane Woolmer
Nancy Wright
Adolf Wurm
Dr. Peter Wyckoff
Ken Zaremba
Dr. Angela Ziebarth
Fain & Roger Zimmerman
The Macaulay Library and xeno-canto Africa are online archives of bird sounds. To listen to these recordings, click on the bird icon on the lower right section of our webpages.
The Tanzania Bird Atlas maps are records of sightings tabulated on Tanzania maps. The maps are used with permission of Neil Baker. To view these maps, click on the Tanzania map button on the lower right section of our species pages or the Map Page.
The Copenhagen Database at the Zoological Museum of the University of Copenhagen provided maps of breeding ranges for sub-saharan species. These maps are used with permission of the authors: Louis A. Hansen, Neil D. Burgess, Jon Fjeldså and Carsten Rahbek. The maps can be accessed from the Maps link in the navigation bar.
Field guides:
Zimmerman et al., Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, ISBN 0-691-01022
Stevenson & Fanshawe, Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa, T&A D Poyser, Ltd., London, ISBN 0-85661-079-8
Sinclair & Ryan, Birds of Africa South of the Sahara, Struik Publ., Cape Town, ISBN 1-86872-857-9
Oberprieler, Ulrich: The Raptor Guide of Southern Africa (Expanded Edition), Ulrich Ecoventures, Pretoria SA, 2nd Ed., 2012, ISBN 978-0-9921701-0-3
Martins, Dino J. & Steve Collins: Butterflies of East Africa (Pocket Guide Series), Penguin Random House South Africa, ISBN: 978-1-77584-242-2
Woodhall, Steve: Field Guide to the Butterflies of South Africa, Struik Nature, Penguin Random House South Africa, ISBN 978-1-86872-724-7
Hockey et al., Robert's Birds of Southern Africa, Published by the Trustees of the John Voelcker Bird Book Fund, Cape Town, ISBN 0-620-34053-3
Hansen, L.A., Fjeldså, J., Burgess, N.D. and Rahbek, C. 2007. One degree resolution databases of the distribution of birds in Sub-Saharan Africa. On-line data source; Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Carnaby, Trevor, Beat About The Bush Birds, Jacana Media, Johannesburg, SA, 2010, ISBN 978-1-77009-241-9
Larsen, Torben: The Butterflies of Kenya and their natural history, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-850005-X (pbk)
Kielland, Jan: Butterflies of Tanzania, Hill House-London/Melbourne, 1990, ASIN B000X9G15G
Online Resources for Butterfly Identification:
An introduction to butterfly identification
African Butterfly Database
Fieldguide to Butterflies of Africa
List of Butterflies of Tanzania
Tanzania Bird Lists
Tanzania Bird Atlas Local Checklists
Avibase/eBird checklist
Links and References:
African Bird Club
African Bird Image Database
BirdLife International Africa
Marie-France Grenouillet's Tanzania Birds
Birding Tanzania on Facebook
Fatbirder-World Bird Index
Saadani Birds on Pinterest
Isabelline shrike complex
Tanzania Bird Atlas
Turacos and Go-Away-Birds
Vultures & Massai
xeno-canto - African Bird Calls
Zosterops-White-eyes genetics
Zosterops-White-eyes IOC10
Friends' Websites and Blogs:
Colin Beale Blog
Dorobo Fund
Phil Stouffer
Great Videos
African Fig Trees
Amur Falcon
Common cuckoo (in Russian)
Lesser Spotted Eagle
Birdwatching for Kids
Gardening for Birds
Identifying Raptors
Birds of Rwanda Checklist
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