Tanzanian Birds
Alphabetical List of Common Names
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Akalat, Alexander's
Akalat, Bocage's
Akalat, East Coast
Akalat, Iringa
Akalat, Rubeho
Akalat, Sharpe's
Akalat, Usambara
Alethe, brown-chested
Alethe, fire-crested
Alethe, white-chested
Ant-thrush, red-tailed
Ant-thrush, white-tailed
Apalis, bar-throated
Apalis, black-headed
Apalis, black-throated
Apalis, brown-headed
Apalis, brown-tailed
Apalis, buff-throated
Apalis, Chapin's
Apalis, chestnut-throated
Apalis, grey
Apalis, Maasai (formerly karamoja)
Apalis, masked
Apalis, white-winged
Apalis, yellow-breasted
Avocet, pied

Babbler, African hill
Babbler, arrow-marked
Babbler, black-lored
Babbler, brown
Babbler, northern pied
Barbet, black-backed
Barbet, black-billed
Barbet, black-collared
Barbet, black-throated
Barbet, brown-breasted
Barbet, crested
Barbet, d’Arnaud’s
Barbet, double-toothed
Barbet, green
Barbet, grey-throated
Barbet, hairy-breasted
Barbet, miombo pied
Barbet, red-and-yellow
Barbet, red-faced
Barbet, red-fronted
Barbet, spot-flanked
Barbet, Usambiro
Barbet, white-eared
Barbet, white-headed
Barbet, Whyte's
Barbet, yellow-spotted
Batis, eastern black-headed
Batis, chinspot
Batis, dark
Batis, forest
Batis, pale
Batis, pygmy
Batis, Reichenow's
Bee-eater, blue-breasted
Bee-eater, blue-cheeked
Bee-eater, Böhm’s
Bee-eater, cinnamon-chested
Bee-eater, European
Bee-eater, little
Bee-eater, Madagascar
Bee-eater, northern carmine
Bee-eater, olive
Bee-eater, red-throated
Bee-eater, Somali
Bee-eater, southern carmine
Bee-eater, swallow-tailed
Bee-eater, white-fronted
Bee-eater, white-throated
Bishop, black
Bishop, black-winged red
Bishop, fire-fronted
Bishop, southern red
Bishop, yellow
Bishop, yellow-crowned
Bishop, Zanzibar red
Bittern, dwarf
Bittern, little
Bluebill, red-headed
Booby, masked
Boubou, East Coast
Boubou, Fülleborn's
Boubou, slate-colored
Boubou, tropical
Bristlebill, red-tailed
Bristlebill, yellow-eyed
Broadbill, African
Brownbul, northern
Brownbul, terrestrial
Buffalo-weaver, red-billed
Buffalo-weaver, white-billed
Buffalo-weaver, white-headed
Bulbul, dark-capped (yellow-vented)
Bulbul, Dodson's
Bunting, Cabanis's
Bunting, Cape (southern rock)
Bunting, cinnamon-breasted
Bunting, golden-breasted
Bunting, Somali
Bush-shrike, black-fronted
Bush-shrike, four-coloured
Bush-shrike, grey-headed
Bush-shrike, Lüdher's
Bush-shrike, orange-breasted
Bush-shrike, rosy-patched
Bush-shrike, sulphur-breasted
Bush-shrike, Uluguru
Bush-sparrow, yellow-spotted
Bush-sparrow, yellow-throated
Bustard, black-bellied
Bustard, buff-crested
Bustard, Denham's
Bustard, Hartlaub's
Bustard, kori
Bustard, white-bellied
Buttonquail, common (kurrichane)
Buzzard, augur
Buzzard, common
Buzzard, European honey
Buzzard, grasshopper
Buzzard, lizard
Buzzard, long-legged
Buzzard, mountain
Buzzard, steppe

Camaroptera, green-backed
Camaroptera, grey-backed
Camaroptera, olive-green
Canary, brimstone
Canary, papyrus
Canary, southern grosbeak
Canary, white-bellied
Canary, yellow-crowned
Canary, yellow-fronted
Chat, alpine (moorland)
Chat, Arnot’s
Chat, (mocking) cliff
Chat, familiar
Chat, northern anteater
Chat, Ruaha
Chat, rufous bush
Chat, sooty
Chatterer, rufous
Chatterer, scaly
Chiffchaff, common
Cisticola, ashy
Cisticola, black-lored
Cisticola, Carruther's
Cisticola, Chubb's
Cisticola, churring
Cisticola, coastal
Cisticola, croaking
Cisticola, desert
Cisticola, Hunter's
Cisticola, Kilombero
Cisticola, Levaillant's
Cisticola, long-tailed (Tabora)
Cisticola, Lynes's
Cisticola, pale-crowned
Cisticola, pectoral-patch
Cisticola, rattling
Cisticola, red-faced
Cisticola, rock-loving
Cisticola, siffling (short-winged)
Cisticola, singing
Cisticola, stout
Cisticola, tiny
Cisticola, trilling
Cisticola, wailing
Cisticola, white-tailed
Cisticola, winding
Cisticola, wing-snapping
Cisticola, zitting
Citril, southern
Citril, western
Coot, red-knobbed
Cordon-bleu, blue-capped
Cordon-bleu, red-cheeked
Cordon-bleu, southern
Cormorant, reed (long-tailed)
Cormorant, white-breasted
Coucal, black
Coucal, blue-headed
Coucal, Burchell's
Coucal, coppery-tailed
Coucal, Senegal
Coucal, white-browed
Courser, bronze-winged
Courser, double-banded
Courser, Temminck's
Courser, three-banded (Heuglin's)
Courser, two-banded
Courser, violet-tipped
Crake, African
Crake, Baillon's
Crake, black
Crake, spotted
Crake, striped
Crane, grey-crowned
Crane, wattled
Creeper, spotted
Crimsonwing, Abyssinian
Crimsonwing, red-faced
Crombec, green
Crombec, long-billed
Crombec, northern
Crombec, red-faced
Crombec, white-browed
Crow, cape
Crow, house
Crow, pied
Cuckoo, African
Cuckoo, African emerald
Cuckoo, barred long-tailed
Cuckoo, black
Cuckoo, black-and-white
Cuckoo, common
Cuckoo, Diederik
Cuckoo, great spotted
Cuckoo, Jacobin
Cuckoo, Klaas’s
Cuckoo, (Asian) lesser
Cuckoo, Levaillant's
Cuckoo, Madagascar
Cuckoo, red-chested
Cuckoo, thick-billed
Cuckoo-hawk, African
Cuckooshrike, black
Cuckooshrike, grey
Cuckooshrike, purple-throated
Cuckooshrike, white-breasted
Curlew, Eurasian

Darter, African
Dove, African mourning
Dove, cape turtle
Dove, dusky turtle
Dove, laughing
Dove, lemon
Dove, namaqua
Dove, red-eyed
Dove, ring-necked
Dove, tambourine
Drongo, fork-tailed
Drongo, square-tailed
Drongo, Usambara
Duck, African black
Duck, fulvous
Duck, knob-billed
Duck, maccoa
Duck, tufted
Duck, white-backed
Duck, white-faced
Duck, yellow-billed

Eagle, African crowned
Eagle, African fish
Eagle, African hawk
Eagle, Ayres' hawk
Eagle, black-chested snake
Eagle, booted
Eagle, brown snake
Eagle, Cassin's hawk
Eagle, greater spotted
Eagle, eastern imperial
Eagle, lesser spotted
Eagle, long-crested
Eagle, martial
Eagle, short-toed snake
Eagle, southern banded snake
Eagle, steppe
Eagle, tawny
Eagle, Verreaux's
Eagle, Wahlberg's
Eagle, western banded snake
Eagle-owl, cape
Eagle-owl, spotted
Eagle-owl, Usambara
Eagle-owl, Verreaux's
Egret, black
Egret, cattle
Egret, dimorphic
Egret, great white
Egret, little
Egret, western reef
Egret, yellow-billed
Eremomela, black-necked
Eremomela, green-capped
Eremomela, yellow-bellied
Eremomela, yellow-vented

Falcon, amur
Falcon, Eleonora's
Falcon, lanner
Falcon, peregrine
Falcon, pygmy
Falcon, red-necked
Falcon, sooty
Falcon, Taita
Falcon, western red-footed
Finch, cuckoo
Finch, cut-throat
Finch, locust
Finch, oriole
Finfoot, African
Firefinch, African
Firefinch, brown
Firefinch, Jameson's
Firefinch, red-billed
Fiscal, grey-backed
Fiscal, long-tailed
Fiscal, southern (common)
Fiscal, MacKinnon's
Fiscal, Taita
Fiscal, Uhehe
Fishing-owl, Pel's
Flamingo, greater
Flamingo, lesser
Flufftail, buff-spotted
Flufftail, streaky-breasted
Flufftail, striped
Flufftail, white-spotted
Flycatcher, African blue
Flycatcher, African dusky
Flycatcher, African grey
Flycatcher, African paradise
Flycatcher, African shrike
Flycatcher, ashy
Flycatcher, black-and-white
Flycatcher, blue-mantled crested
Flycatcher, Böhms
Flycatcher, lead-coloured
Flycatcher, little yellow
Flycatcher, Livingstone's
Flycatcher, northern black
Flycatcher, pale
Flycatcher, red-bellied paradise
Flycatcher, semi-collared
Flycatcher, southern black
Flycatcher, spotted
Flycatcher, swamp
Flycatcher, vanga
Flycatcher, white-eyed slaty
Flycatcher, white-tailed blue
Flycatcher, white-tailed crested
Francolin, coqui
Francolin, crested
Francolin, Hildebrandt's
Francolin, red-winged
Francolin, scaly
Francolin, Shelley's
Frigatebird, greater
Frigatebird, lesser

allinule, Allen's
Gallinule, purple
Gannet, cape
Go-away-bird, bare-faced
Go-away-bird, grey
Go-away-bird, white-bellied
Godwit, bar-tailed
Godwit, black-tailed
Gonolek, black-headed
Gonolek, papyrus
Goose, African pygmy
Goose, Egyptian
Goose, spur-winged
Goshawk, African
Goshawk, dark chanting
Goshawk, eastern (pale) chanting
Goshawk, gabar
Grassbird, fan-tailed
Grebe, black-necked
Grebe, great crested
Grebe, little
Greenbul, black-browed mountain
Greenbul, black-headed mountain
Greenbul, Cabanis's
Greenbul, Cameroon sombre (plain)
Greenbul, Fischer's
Greenbul, grey-olive
Greenbul, joyful
Greenbul, little
Greenbul, little grey
Greenbul, lowland tiny
Greenbul, montane tiny
Greenbul, placid
Greenbul, red-tailed
Greenbul, Shelley's
Greenbul, slender-billed

Greenbul, (Zanzibar) sombre
Greenbul, spotted
Greenbul, stripe-faced
Greenbul, tiny
Greenbul, Toro olive
Greenbul, Uluguru mountain
Greenbul, yellow-bellied
Greenbul, yellow-streaked
Greenbul, yellow-throated
Greenbul, yellow-throated mountain
Greenbul, yellow-whiskered
Greenshank, common
Grenadier, purple
Ground-hornbill, southern
Ground-thrush, Abyssinian
Ground-thrush, orange
Ground-thrush, spotted
Guineafowl, crested
Guineafowl, helmeted
Guineafowl, vulturine
Gull, common black-headed
Gull, grey-headed
Gull, Heuglin's
Gull, kelp
Gull, lesser black-backed
Gull, slender-billed
Gull, sooty
Gull, yellow-legged

Harrier, African Marsh
Harrier, Eurasian Marsh
Harrier, Malagasy
Harrier, Montagu's
Harrier, pallid
Hawk, African cuckoo
Hawk, African harrier
Hawk, bat
Hawk-eagle, African
Hawk-eagle, Ayres'
Hawk-eagle, Cassin's
Helmet-shrike, chestnut-fronted
Helmet-shrike, grey-crested
Helmet-shrike, Retz's
Helmet-shrike, white
Heron, black
Heron, black-headed
Heron, goliath
Heron, green-backed (striated)
Heron, grey
Heron, Madagascar (Humblot's)
Heron, Madagascar pond
Heron, purple
Heron, rufous-bellied
Heron, squacco
Heron, western reef
Hobby, African
Hobby, Eurasian
Honeybird, eastern (green-backed)
Honeybird, Wahlberg's
Honeyguide, greater
Honeyguide, least
Honeyguide, lesser
Honeyguide, pallid
Honeyguide, scaly-throated
Hoopoe, African
Hoopoe, Eurasian
Hornbill, African grey
Hornbill, black-and-white-casqued
Hornbill, crowned
Hornbill, eastern yellow-billed
Hornbill, northern red-billed
Hornbill, pale-billed
Hornbill, Ruaha
Hornbill, silvery-cheeked
Hornbill, southern ground
Hornbill, Tanzanian red-billed
Hornbill, trumpeter
Hornbill, von der Decken's
Hylia, green
Hyliota, Usambara
Hyliota, yellow-bellied

Ibis, glossy
Ibis, hadada
Ibis, sacred
Illadopsis, brown
Illadopsis, mountain
Illadopsis, pale-breasted
Illadopsis, scaly-breasted
Indigobird, purple
Indigobird, variable
Indigobird, village
Indigobird, Zambesi

Jacana, African
Jacana, lesser
Jaeger, long-tailed
Jaeger, parasitic

Kestrel, common
Kestrel, Dickinson's
Kestrel, greater
Kestrel, grey
Kestrel, lesser
Kestrel, rock
Kingfisher, African pygmy
Kingfisher, blue-breasted
Kingfisher, brown-hooded
Kingfisher, giant
Kingfisher, grey-headed
Kingfisher, half-collared
Kingfisher, malachite
Kingfisher, mangrove
Kingfisher, pied
Kingfisher, striped
Kingfisher, woodland
Kite, black
Kite, black-shouldered (-winged)
Kite, yellow-billed

Lapwing, African wattled
Lapwing, black-headed
Lapwing, black-winged
Lapwing, blacksmith
Lapwing, brown-chested
Lapwing, crowned
Lapwing, long-toed
Lapwing, Senegal
Lapwing, spur-winged
Lapwing, white-headed
Lark, Athi short-toed
Lark, Beesley's
Lark, dusky
Lark, flappet
Lark, fawn-coloured
Lark, Friedmann's
Lark, greater short-toed
Lark, pink-breasted
Lark, plateau
Lark, red-capped
Lark, red-winged
Lark, rufous-naped
Lark, short-tailed
Lark, singing bush
Lark, white-tailed
Leaflove, red-tailed
Leaflove, yellow-throated
Longbill, Kretschmer's
Longbill, yellow
Longclaw, Fülleborn's
Longclaw, Pangani
Longclaw, rosy-breasted
Longclaw, yellow-throated
Lovebird, Fischer's
Lovebird, red-headed
Lovebird, yellow-collared

Malimbe, red-headed
Malkoha, blue
Malkoha, green
Mannikin, black-and-white
Mannikin, bronze
Mannikin, magpie
Mannikin, red-backed
Marsh-harrier, African
Marsh-harrier, Eurasian (Western)
Martin, banded
Martin, brown-throated sand
Martin, common house
Martin, Mascarene
Martin, rock
Martin, sand
Moorhen, common
Moorhen, lesser
Mousebird, blue-naped
Mousebird, red-faced
Mousebird, speckled
Mousebird, white-headed

Negrofinch, grey-headed
Nicator, eastern
Nicator, western
Night-heron, black-crowned
Night-heron, white-backed
Nightingale, thrush
Nightjar, black-shouldered
Nightjar, Donaldson-Smiths
Nightjar, Eurasian
Nightjar, fiery-necked
Nightjar, freckled
Nightjar, montane
Nightjar, pennant-winged
Nightjar, plain
Nightjar, slender-tailed
Nightjar, square-tailed
Nightjar, swamp
Nightjar, Usambara
Nigrita, grey-headed
Nigrita, white-breasted
Noddy, brown
Noddy, lesser

O live-pigeon, African
Oliveback, white-collared
Openbill, African
Oriole, African black-headed
Oriole, African golden
Oriole, Eurasian golden
Oriole, green-headed
Oriole, mountain
Oriole, western black-headed
Owl, African grass
Owl, African wood
Owl, barn
Owl, cape eagle
Owl, marsh
Owl, Pel's fishing
Owl, short-eared
Owl, southern white-faced
Owl, spotted eagle
Owl, Verreaux's eagle
Owlet, African barred
Owlet, pearl-spotted
Oxpecker, red-billed
Oxpecker, yellow-billed
Oystercatcher, Eurasian

Palm-thrush, collared
Palm-thrush, spotted
Paradise-flycatcher, African
Paradise-flycatcher, red-bellied
Paradise-whydah, eastern
Paradise-whydah, broad-tailed
Parisoma, banded
Parisoma, brown
Parrot, African orange-bellied
Parrot, brown
Parrot, brown-headed
Parrot, brown-necked
Parrot, grey
Parrot, grey-headed
Parrot, red-fronted
Partridge, Udzungwa
Pelican, great white
Pelican, pink-backed
Penduline-tit, African
Penduline-tit, mouse-coloured
Petronia, yellow-spotted
Petronia, yellow-throated
Phalarope, grey
Phalarope, red-necked
Pigeon, afep
Pigeon, African green
Pigeon, eastern bronze-naped
Pigeon, feral
Pigeon, olive
Pigeon, Pemba green
Pigeon, speckled
Pintail, northern
Pipit, African
Pipit, buffy
Pipit, bush
Pipit, golden
Pipit, grassland
Pipit, long-billed
Pipit, plain-backed
Pipit, red-throated
Pipit, Sokoke
Pipit, striped
Pipit, tree
Pipit, woodland
Pitta, African
Pitta, green-breasted
Plantain-eater, eastern grey
Plover, black-winged
Plover, Caspian
Plover, chestnut-banded
Plover, common ringed
Plover, crab
Plover, crowned
Plover, Forbes's
Plover, greater sand
Plover, grey
Plover, Kittlitz’s
Plover, lesser sand
Plover, little ringed
Plover, Pacific golden
Plover, Senegal
Plover, three-banded
Plover, wattled
Plover, white-fronted
Pochard, southern
Pratincole, collared
Pratincole, Madagascar
Pratincole, rock
Prinia, pale
Prinia, red-fronted
Prinia, red-winged
Prinia, tawny-flanked
Prinia, white-chinned
Puffback, black-backed
Puffback, northern
Puffback, pink-footed
Puffback, Pringle's
Pytilia, green-winged
Pytilia, orange-winged

Quail, button
Quail, common
Quail, harlequin
Quailfinch, African
Quelea, cardinal
Quelea, red-billed
Quelea, red-headed

Rail, African (water)
Raven, white-necked
Redshank, common
Redshank, spotted
Reed-warbler, African
Reed-warbler, Basra
Reef-egret, western
Robin-chat, blue-shouldered
Robin-chat, cape
Robin-chat, grey-winged
Robin-chat, olive-flanked
Robin-chat, red-capped
Robin-chat, Rueppell's
Robin-chat, snowy-crowned
Robin-chat, white-browed
Robin, dappled mountain
Robin, eastern forest
Robin, Swynnerton's
Robin, white-starred
Robin, white-throated
Rock-thrush, common (European)
Rock-thrush, little
Rock-thrush, miombo
Roller, Abyssinian
Roller, broad-billed
Roller, European
Roller, lilac-breasted
Roller, racket-tailed
Roller, rufous-crowned (purple)
Rook, cape
Roughwing, eastern

Sandgrouse, black-faced
Sandgrouse, chestnut-bellied
Sandgrouse, yellow-throated
Sandpiper, broad-billed
Sandpiper, common
Sandpiper, curlew
Sandpiper, green
Sandpiper, marsh
Sandpiper, pectoral
Sandpiper, terek
Sandpiper, wood
Sandplover, greater
Sandplover, lesser
Saw-wing, black
Saw-wing, eastern
Saw-wing, white-headed
Scimitarbill, Abyssinian
Scimitarbill, common
Scops-owl, African
Scops-owl, Pemba
Scops-owl, Sokoke
Scops-owl, southern white-faced
Scrub-robin, eastern bearded
Scrub-robin, brown-backed
Scrub-robin, miombo
Scrub-robin, rufous-tailed
Scrub-robin, white-browed
Seedcracker, black-bellied
Seedcracker, lesser
Seedeater, black-eared
Seedeater, Kipengere
Seedeater, Reichard's stripe-breasted
Seedeater, Reichenow's
Seedeater, streaky
Seedeater, thick-billed
Seedeater, yellow-browed
Seedeater, yellow-rumped
Shearwater, Audubon's
Shoveler, cape
Shoveler, northern
Shrike, Isabelline

Shrike, lesser grey
Shrike, magpie
Shrike, northern white-crowned
Shrike, red-backed
Shrike, red-tailed
Shrike, Souza's
Shrike, woodchat
Shrike-flycatcher, African
Shrike-flycatcher, black-and-white
Silverbill, African
Silverbill, grey-headed
Skimmer, African
Skua, arctic
Skua, long-tailed
Skua, subantarctic (brown)
Snake-eagle, black-chested
Snake-eagle, brown
Snake-eagle, short-toed
Snake-eagle, southern banded
Snake-eagle, western banded
Snipe, African
Snipe, common
Snipe, great
Snipe, greater painted
Social-weaver, black-capped
Social-weaver, grey-capped
Sparrow-weaver, white-browed
Sparrow, chestnut
Sparrow, house
Sparrow, Java
Sparrow, northern grey-headed
Sparrow, parrot-billed
Sparrow, rufous
Sparrow, southern grey-headed
Sparrow, Swahili
Sparrowhawk, black
Sparrowhawk, Eurasian
Sparrowhawk, Levant
Sparrowhawk, little
Sparrowhawk, ovambo
Sparrowhawk, rufous-breasted
Sparrowlark, chestnut-backed
Sparrowlark, Fischer’s
Spinetail, Boehm's
Spinetail, mottled
Spoonbill, African
Spurfowl, grey-breasted
Spurfowl, Hildebrandt's
Spurfowl, red-necked
Spurfowl, scaly
Spurfowl, yellow-necked
Starling, Abbott's
Starling, ashy
Starling, black-bellied
Starling, Fischer's
Starling, golden-breasted
Starling, greater blue-eared
Starling, Hildebrandt's
Starling, Kenrick's
Starling, magpie
Starling, miombo blue-eared
Starling, red-winged
Starling, rosy
Starling, Rueppell's
Starling, Sharpe's
Starling, Shelley's
Starling, slender-billed
Starling, splendid glossy
Starling, Stuhlmann's
Starling, superb
Starling, violet-backed
Starling, Waller's
Starling, wattled
Starling, white-winged
Stilt, black-winged
Stint, little
Stint, Temminck's
Stonechat, African
Stork, Abdim's
Stork, black
Stork, marabou
Stork, open-billed
Stork, saddle-billed
Stork, white
Stork, woolly-necked
Stork, yellow-billed
Sunbird, Amani
Sunbird, amethyst
Sunbird, Anchieta's
Sunbird, Angola white-bellied
Sunbird, banded green
Sunbird, beautiful
Sunbird, black-bellied
Sunbird, bronze
Sunbird, collared
Sunbird, copper
Sunbird, eastern double-collared
Sunbird, eastern violet-backed
Sunbird, forest double-collared
Sunbird, Fülleborn's
Sunbird, golden-winged
Sunbird, green (grey-chinned)
Sunbird, green-headed
Sunbird, green-throated
Sunbird, grey-headed
Sunbird, Hunter’s
Sunbird, little green
Sunbird, Loveridge’s
Sunbird, malachite
Sunbird, marico
Sunbird, Moreau's
Sunbird, mouse-coloured (grey)
Sunbird, olive
Sunbird, olive-bellied
Sunbird, Oustalet's
Sunbird, Pemba
Sunbird, plain-backed
Sunbird, purple-banded
Sunbird, red-chested
Sunbird, regal
Sunbird, rufous-winged
Sunbird, scarlet-chested
Sunbird, scarlet-tufted malachite
Sunbird, Shelley's
Sunbird, Skye
Sunbird, superb
Sunbird, tacazze
Sunbird, Tsavo
Sunbird, Uluguru violet-backed
Sunbird, Usambara double-collared
Sunbird, variable
Sunbird, western miombo
Sunbird, western violet-backed
Sunbird, white-bellied
Swallow, Angola
Swallow, bank
Swallow, barn
Swallow, blue
Swallow, Ethiopian
Swallow, greater striped
Swallow, grey-rumped
Swallow, lesser striped
Swallow, mosque
Swallow, pearl-breasted
Swallow, red-breasted
Swallow, red-rumped
Swallow, white-throated
Swallow, wire-tailed
Swamp-warbler, greater
Swamp-warbler, lesser
Swamphen, purple
Swift, African black
Swift, African palm
Swift, alpine
Swift, common (Eurasian)
Swift, Forbes-Watson
Swift, horus
Swift, little
Swift, mottled
Swift, nyanza
Swift, scarce
Swift, white-rumped

Tailorbird, African
Tailorbird, long-billed
Tchagra, Anchieta's
Tchagra, black-crowned
Tchagra, brown-crowned
Tchagra, marsh
Tchagra, three-streaked
Teal, cape
Teal, common (Eurasian)
Teal, hottentot
Teal, red-billed
Tern, black
Tern, bridled
Tern, Caspian
Tern, common
Tern, greater crested
Tern, gull-billed
Tern, lesser-crested
Tern, little
Tern, roseate
Tern, sandwich
Tern, Saunder's
Tern, sooty
Tern, swift
Tern, whiskered
Tern, white-cheeked
Tern, white-winged
Thick-knee, spotted
Thick-knee, water
Thrush, Abyssinian
Thrush, African
Thrush, bare-eyed
Thrush, Fraser's rufous
Thrush, groundscraper
Thrush, kurrichane
Thrush, mountain
Thrush, spotted morning
Thrush, Usambara
Tinkerbird, (Eastern) green
Tinkerbird, moustached
Tinkerbird, red-fronted
Tinkerbird, yellow-fronted
Tinkerbird, yellow-rumped
Tit-flycatcher, grey
Tit, cinnamon-breasted
Tit, miombo grey
Tit, northern grey (Acacia, Somali)
Tit, red-throated
Tit, white-bellied
Tit, white-winged black
Trogon, bar-tailed
Trogon, Narina
Tropicbird, white-tailed
Turaco, black-billed
Turaco, Fischer's
Turaco, great-blue
Turaco, Hartlaub's
Turaco, Livingstone's
Turaco, purple-crested
Turaco, Ross's
Turaco, Schalow's
Turnstone, ruddy
Twinspot, green (green-backed)
Twinspot, Peters's (red-throated)

Vulture, bearded
Vulture, Egyptian
Vulture, hooded
Vulture, lappet-faced
Vulture, palm-nut
Vulture, Rueppell's
Vulture, white-backed
Vulture, white-headed

Wagtail, African pied
Wagtail, cape
Wagtail, grey
Wagtail, mountain
Wagtail, white
Wagtail, yellow
Warbler, African reed
Warbler, African moustached
Warbler, bamboo
Warbler, barred
Warbler, Basra reed
Warbler, black-faced rufous
Warbler, broad-tailed
Warbler, brown woodland
Warbler, buff-bellied
Warbler, cinnamon bracken
Warbler, dark-capped yellow
Warbler, eastern olivaceous
Warbler, evergreen forest
Warbler, garden
Warbler, great reed
Warbler, greater swamp
Warbler, grey-capped
Warbler, icterine
Warbler, lesser swamp
Warbler, little rush
Warbler, long-billed forest
Warbler, (European) marsh
Warbler, mountain yellow
Warbler, moustached grass
Warbler, Mrs. Moreau's
Warbler, olive-tree
Warbler, red-capped forest
Warbler, Rubeho
Warbler, sedge
Warbler, Upcher's
Warbler, white-winged
Warbler, willow
Warbler, wood
Warbler, yellow-throated woodland
Wattle-eye, black-throated
Wattle-eye, brown-throated
Wattle-eye, chestnut
Wattle-eye, Jameson's
Wattle-eye, yellow-bellied
Waxbill, black-crowned
Waxbill, black-faced
Waxbill, black-rumped
Waxbill, blue
Waxbill, common
Waxbill, crimson-rumped
Waxbill, fawn-breasted
Waxbill, grey
Waxbill, orange-breasted
Waxbill, yellow-bellied
Waxbill, zebra
Weaver, African golden
Weaver, baglafecht
Weaver, Bertram's (Bertrand's)
Weaver, black-billed
Weaver, black-headed
Weaver, black-necked
Weaver, brown-capped
Weaver, chestnut
Weaver, compact
Weaver, dark-backed
Weaver, Eastern golden
Weaver, golden-backed (Jackson's)
Weaver, golden palm
Weaver, grosbeak
Weaver, Holub’s golden
Weaver, Kilombero
Weaver, lesser-masked
Weaver, little
Weaver, northern brown-throated
Weaver, olive-headed
Weaver, orange
Weaver, parasitic
Weaver, red-headed
Weaver, rufous-tailed
Weaver, Ruvu
Weaver, slender-billed
Weaver, southern brown-throated
Weaver, speckle-fronted
Weaver, spectacled
Weaver, Speke’s
Weaver, Tanganyika (Tanzania) masked
Weaver, taveta (golden)
Weaver, thick-billed (grosbeak)
Weaver, Usambara
Weaver, Vieillot’s black
Weaver, village
Weaver, vitelline masked
Weaver, Weyns's
Weaver, yellow
Weaver, yellow-mantled (-backed)
Wheatear, capped
Wheatear, isabelline
Wheatear, northern
Wheatear, pied
Wheatear, Schalow's
White-eye, Abyssinian
White-eye, broad-ringed
White-eye, green
White-eye, Mbulu
White-eye, montane
White-eye, northern yellow
White-eye, Pemba
White-eye, South Pare
White-eye, southern yellow
Whitethroat, greater
Whydah, broad-tailed paradise
Whydah, eastern paradise
Whydah, pin-tailed
Whydah, steel-blue
Whydah, straw-tailed
Widowbird, fan-tailed
Widowbird, Jackson's
Widowbird, mountain marsh
Widowbird, red-collared
Widowbird, red-cowled
Widowbird, white-winged
Widowbird, yellow-mantled
Wigeon, Eurasian
Wood-dove, blue-spotted
Wood-dove, emerald-spotted
Wood-hoopoe, green
Wood-hoopoe, violet
Wood-hoopoe, white-headed
Woodpecker, bearded
Woodpecker, Bennett's
Woodpecker, brown-backed
Woodpecker, brown-eared
Woodpecker, cardinal
Woodpecker, eastern grey
Woodpecker, golden-tailed
Woodpecker, green-backed
Woodpecker, little spotted
Woodpecker, Mombasa
Woodpecker, Nubian
Woodpecker, olive
Woodpecker, speckle-throated
Woodpecker, western grey
Woodpecker, Tullberg's
Woodpecker, yellow-crested
Wren-warbler, grey
Wren-warbler, miombo (pale)
Wren-warbler, Stierling's (barred)
Wryneck, Eurasian
Wryneck, red-throated

Yellowbill, eastern
Yellowbill, western

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All unattributed bird images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 David Peterson or Ron Eggert

All unattributed butterfly images on this website are:
copyright © 2013-24 Trude Peterson

All other images are the property of the indicated photographers

Contact: tanzaniabirds@gmail.com