Lanner Falcon
Falco biarmicus
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The upper two flight photos (Oldonyo Sambu & Songea) are courtesy of Per Holmen. The adult pair of lanner falcons (3rd row) was seen at Makame. The 4th row bird was seen in Ngaramtoni, courtesy of Hanna Nyman. The juvenile (5th row, Mambo) is courtesy of Valéry Schollaert. The perched adult (6th row, Kitulo) is courtesy of Florence Holmen. The 7th row photos of an immature were taken at Pangani. The 8th row set of an adult was taken in Engikaret. The left 9th row bird (Piyaya) is courtesy of Gian Schachenmann and the right 9th row (Arusha), courtesy Amos Pampy Hardeker. The bottom photos of another immature were taken at Loliondo, courtesy of Ethan Kinsey. Click the left to see 17 enlargements including a nest and an immature.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Karine Van der Vurst, Paul Oliver, Valéry Schollaert, Silas Olofson, A.P.Hardecker
Ethan Kinsey, Gian Schachenmann, Hanna Nyman, Siegfried Woldhek
Florence Holmen, Per Holmen, Frank Priscus Shirima

Last Update this page: 12-01-24