The little rock-thrush is a northeast African endemic and the smallest (15 cm) of the rock-thrushes. Distinctive marks are the blue-grey throat extending onto the breast and a rufous tail with black central tail feathers and tail tip. The upper photo (Longido, 10-20) and the right 2nd row juvenile (Oldonyo Sambu, 1-24) are courtesy of Per Holmen; the left 2nd row juvenile with adult (Arusha, 1-24) is courtesy of Amos Pampy Hardecker. The right lower (Sanjan Gorge-Gol Mountains) is courtesy of Paul Oliver. The other photos were taken in Kijabe, Longido, Oldonyo Sambo and Sanjan Gorge. Click the video link to see and hear a little rock thrush, courtesy of Amos Pampy Hardecker. |