Terathopius ecaudatus
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The adult bateleur is easily recognized in flight by the short tail and bright red beak, legs and feet. It is common throughout Tanzania. It hunts or scavenges a variety of prey including small birds, mammals amphibians and insects. It may sunbathe for long periods (slideshow image 10). The upper pair is courtesy of Karine Van der Vurst. Pairs are monogamous and may be seen roosting together (slideshow image 3). The 2nd row females (Mkomazi) are courtesy of Bob Kasworm. The left 3rd row photo of a pair (Tarangire) is courtesy of Paul Oliver. The female in flight was in Tarangire. The nest was seen in the Okavango delta, courtesy of Gerry Jackson; another photo of this nest is #34 in the slideshow. The 5th row juvenile was taken in Tarangire, courtesy of Hanna Nyman. The 6th row juvenile was also seen in Tarangire, courtesy of Rick Carlson. The juveniles and immature in flight (all in Tarangire) are courtesy of Paul Oliver (right) and Karine Van der Vurst. The adult in the photo above was feeding on a reedbuck, courtesy of Paul Oliver: click it to see 33 enlargements.
Tarangire Video


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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-25 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Paul Oliver, Per Holmen, Rick Carlson, Hanna Nyman, Tom Nicholls
Karine Van der Vurst, Gerry Jackson, Stuart Webb, Bob Kasworm
Frank Priscus Shirima

Last Update this page: 3-15-25