White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher
Melaenornis fischeri
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The white-eyed slaty flycatcher is commonly seen, often at forest edge or in gardens. Ssp. nykiensis in the Tanzanian highlands has a narrow eye-ring, as in the photos from the Ngorongoro forest and the Udzungwa Mountains in the slideshow. The nominate has a wide eye-ring. The pair in row 6 was in the Nou Forest. The left 4th row bird (Karatu) is courtesy of Sadik Kassam. The left lower photo from the Udzungwa Mountains is courtesy of Dr. Louis A. Hansen; click it to see 30 enlargements including subspecies and juveniles. The other photos above are from Engusero Sambu-Loliondo, Marangu, Mt. Meru and West Kilimanjaro; the immature (row 5) was also seen at Marangu. The nest/egg photo is courtesy of Frank Priscus Shirima and the video of a nest with chicks being fed (Nou Forest) is courtesy of Mika Peterson.
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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-25 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Dr. Louis A. Hansen, Karine Van der Vurst, Doug McLennan
Mika Peterson, Sadik Kassam, Frank Priscus Shirima

Last Update this page: 1-10-25