Rüppell's Vulture
Gyps rueppelli
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These photos all show the white feather tips and edges that give the Rüppell's vulture its scaly appearance. In the adult, note also several broad white lines along the entire length of the wing coverts. The immature has buff-colored feather edges. The 8th row photo (Tarangire, 2-17) is courtesy of Stuart Webb. The other photos were taken in the Serengeti; the left 7th row immature & 9th row adult are courtesy of Fain and Roger Zimmerman. Click the photo above to see 40 enlargements including juveniles, immatures adults, flight photos and a pair on a nest.

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All unattributed images on this website are:
copyright © 2001-24 Ron Eggert or David Peterson
All other images are the property of the indicated photographers:
Fain Zimmerman, Roger Zimmerman, Karoline Hornik, Stefan Hitz, Bob Kasworm
Steve Dolberg, Steve Brynes, Maren Hilton, Stuart Webb, Trude Peterson
Per Holmen

Last Update this page: 2-04-24